[QUIZ] Test your understanding of SQL - Part 3

The test set comes with SQL lessons that give you lots of useful knowledge.

  1. Question 1: In SQL, what is the ALTER TABLE clause used for?
    1. Use to add, delete and modify columns in an existing table.
    2. Used to insert data into tables in a database.
    3. Use to delete the table in the database.
    4. Used to delete data from tables in the database.
  2. Question 2: The HAVING clause can only be used with .
    1. INSERT statement
    2. JOIN statement
    3. DELETE statement
    4. SELECT statement
  3. Question 3: Which of the following statements is true?
    1. TRUNCATE TABLE must be used in conjunction with the WHERE clause.
    2. TRUNCATE TABLE has the same function as the DELETE command but has no WHERE clause and is used to delete records from an existing table in SQL.
    3. TRUNCATE TABLE deletes the table from the database
  4. Question 4: Which of the following SQL statements is correct?
    1. SELECT * FROM Sales WHERE Date BETWEEN '10 / 12/2005 'AND' January 01, 2006 '
    2. SELECT FROM Sales WHERE Date BETWEEN '10 / 12/2005 'AND' January 01, 2006 '
    3. SELECT FROM Sales WHERE Date BETWEEN ('10/12/2005', 'January 01, 2006')
  5. Question 5: What is the CREATE TABLE statement used for?
    1. Create a new database table
    2. Create a stored procedure
    3. Create database view
  6. Question 6: RDBMS stands for .?
    1. Real Database Management System
    2. Relational Database Management System
    3. Read Database Master System
  7. Question 7: Which of the following functions is a set function in SQL?
    1. AVG
    2. WOOL
    3. JOIN
    4. LEFT
  8. Question 8: Which of the following SQL statements takes the 'Success' string?
    1. SELECT 'Success'
    2. SELECT 'Success'
    3. SELECT LEFT ('Success is all I need.', 15)
  9. Question 9: What does the following SQL statement do:
     SELECT Khachhang, COUNT(Dondathang) FROM Sales 
    GROUP BY Khachhang
    HAVING COUNT(Dondathang) >5
    1. Select all customers from the Sales table that made more than 5 orders.
    2. Select all customers from the Sales table.
    3. Select the total number of orders from the Sales table, if this number is greater than 5
  10. Question 10: Which of the following SQL statements will select all records with all their columns from a table named Sales?
    1. DELETE FROM Sales
    3. SELECT * FROM Sales
  11. Question 11: Which of the following SQL statements counts the records in the 'Sales' table?
    1. SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Sales
    2. SELECT COUNT (*) IN Sales
    3. SELECT NUM () FROM Sales
    4. SELECT COUNTER (*) FROM Sales
  12. Question 12: What is the INSERT command used to do?
    1. To retrieve data.
    2. To insert data.
    3. To modify data.
  13. Question 13: Which of the following SQL statements deletes all records in the Sales table?
    1. DELETE FROM Sales
    2. DELETE Sales
    3. DELETE * FROM Sales
    4. DELETE ALL Sales
  14. Question 14: Which element is behind the WHERE clause in SQL?
    1. The table name is used to retrieve the record.
    2. Conditions need to be met for returned goods.
    3. List of selected columns
  15. Question 15: Which of the following SQL statements correctly writes the syntax?
    1. SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 => 10
    2. SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 = = 10
    3. SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Column1> = 10
Update 24 May 2019


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